Sunday, February 28, 2010

Left wing propaganda

Leftist propaganda is not only easy to spot, it is also difficult to avoid.  Still, for entertainment purposes, I'll highlight examples now and then.

This one is from a Portland rag called  "Willamette Week".  It's from Sept. 30th, 2009, in an article ironically named "Censored":

"De facto segregation deepening in public education... Schools segregated by race and poverty tend to have much higher dropout rates, higher teacher turnover, and greater exposure to crime and gangs, placing students at a major disadvantage in society."

I wonder how many thousands of clueless sheeple read the above article and simply accepted that statement at face value.  According to the above, an influx of black and Hispanic children (into an all white school) will tend to decrease dropout rates, improve teacher retention and reduce crime.  Is this really what we see in real life?  It certainly is not my experience.  In fact, my experience has been the exact opposite.  Since this is a public blog, I warmly welcome any evidence that supports the Willamette's claims.

Another example, from the same weekly, is from Feb. 24th, 2010 "The China Syndrome":

"The Oregon Department of Energy has been under scrutiny since legislative staff revealed in 2008 that the program's costs were far higher than previously announced: BETCs cost $22 million in foregone taxes in 2003-05..."

The underlying assumption here is that government has a right to our money.  This gives it justification to take our money (steal it, if you will) as "taxes".  Once this principle is established, the leftist takes his logic one step further: stealing less money counts as "cost".  What if I were a burglar and the boss, at my regular job, demanded that I work extra hours one night - but I objected that those extra hours would "cost" me several hundred dollars because I would not be able to burgle houses during that time?  What kind of response would I get from my boss?

You will find that, as this column grows, most of my examples will be from free publications.  This is because I refuse to support the leftist media with my money.  While at the Amren conference, I was disappointed to see one of the guests with a brand new newspaper (I think it was the Washington Post).  It looked like he had purchased it.  Folks, please do not buy "mainstream" newspapers!  They hate us.  They hate whites and they hate liberty.  We should not be supporting them.


  1. Great website. Great writing. But I admittedly have always liked your comments on AmRen.

  2. Why thank you! Hopefully, the rest of us will be able to enjoy your writings here as well.

  3. Typical liberal hogwash! They must know the truth deep down but skirt delicately around the issue of lower intellegence among black students and blacks in general. Instead of focusing on the intellegent black students and getting them out of the ghetto situation that will just keep pulling them down (being told that they are "acting white" and other intimidation) they try to move the ghetto to the suburbs.

  4. Re: focusing on the intelligent black students - this is worthy of a separate post. Good point.
