Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Greyhound station gulag

One of the privileges of being a race realist is that we are able to see the story within the story.  We notice not only what is said, but also what is not said.  We notice how things are said - and this gives us much deeper perspectives.

In his shocking post "The Greyhound Station Gulag", William Grigg succeeds in arousing our anger at government "authorities" for their gross misconduct during the hurricane Katrina crisis.  In this case, the victim is Abdulrahman Zeitoun and we are told how this Syrian immigrant "rendered what aid he could to people trapped in their ruined homes", how he was "part of a financially successful and well-regarded family", that he is "Blessed with a strong work ethic and uncanny entrepreneurial instinct" and how he was "rendering aid to stranded neighbors".  The subliminal message:  That immigrants are good people and, by extension, that immigration is a good thing.

As a visual to help us appreciate how corrupt government agents in New Orleans can be, Grigg treats us to a famous video clip depicting N.O. police officers in the act of looting a Wal-mart.  All the officers shown are black - but this is not pointed out. The subliminal message:  It is merely coincidence that those officers were black; they just as easily could have been white and their race is not worthy of mention.

Grigg goes on to recount how corrupt government goons victimized Zeitun:
Lima and Gonzalez were two of the six uniformed heroes who eagerly stormed into Zeitoun's property on September 6, arresting the businessman and three friends on suspicion of looting (that is, stealing without official permission) and dealing drugs.

Though we are not privy to the ethnicities of the other arresting officers, it would appear that Lima and Gonzalez are both Hispanic.  Though apparent, this is not pointed out. The subliminal message:  Non-white ethnicity, among criminals,  is not important enough to point out.

We are told how Zeitun and other victims were held at a Greyhound station, which served as a miniature Guantanamo.  There they were subject to torture and humiliation.  Our compassion is aroused for these unfortunate men - and we are shown a photo:

All but one of the victims is black.  That one of them is white, and seems out of place, is obvious.  Directly under the photo, we are told:

After the first sleepless night, another prisoner was introduced into the mix, an oddly jovial guy called Jerry. Curiously, Jerry focused most of his attention on Zeitoun and Nasser, and seemed strangely eager to solicit negative opinions about the Bush administration, U.S. foreign policy, and the military.

One didn't have to look for potting soil caked between his toes in order to recognize that Jerry was a plant.

There is no claim that the included photo actually depicts men who were held at the Greyhound station, nor is it stated that the odd white man is none other than "Jerry" - but this is the implication.  We are not told the ethnicity of the guards.   The subliminal message:  "People of color" are victims and whites are perpetrators.

Meanwhile, Zeitun's family had not heard from him:

While Zeitoun was suffering in Louisiana, his wife and children in Texas were convinced he was dead. He had never been permitted to contact his wife following his arrest, and Kathy wasn't able to find any trace of him. Before Katrina hit, the two of them would occasionally speak about the potentially dire consequences for an Arab-American who found himself in police custody.

For added emphasis, we are reminded that Zeitun is an "Arab-American" - even though this should be obvious by now.  The subliminal message:  Crimes against hyphenated (non-white) people are more egregious than crimes against whites.

Finally, we are told, Zeitun's wife receives a phone call from a stranger.  The man tells her that her husband is in prison but safe:

Deprived of any source of hope except for prayer, Zeitoun had pleaded with God to send a messenger. Shortly thereafter a middle-aged black man visited his cell -- a missionary who was distributing Bibles and praying with the inmates. At no small risk to himself -- remember, we live in an era when defense attorneys who pass along notes from terrorist suspects can be sent to prison themselves -- this man of God honored Zeitoun's request to contact his wife and family.

It just so happens that this "man of God" was not just an ordinary man.  No, he was far more than ordinary.  We are told how courageous he is and how selfless he his.  Most importantly, we are told that he is black.  In this case, race is worthy of mention.  The subliminal message:  When a person of color does a good deed, it is important to mention his race.

The Greyhound station gulag story is noteworthy in that, taken at face value, every point that Grigg makes is a valid one.  There is not a single statement, in the entire post, that I would take issue with.  Government is indeed corrupt and out of control, torture is wrong, injustices were committed and this story needs to be told.  Nevertheless, this is an example of truth being used as a vehicle to further leftist orthodoxy on race.  It is akin to using a mixed-race couple to advertise a great product or using pigs to deliver the publishers clearing house sweepstakes to a Muslim.

Looking over his blog and profile, it would appear that William Grigg is an intelligent man and a good writer.  Still, I would not be surprised if he is unaware of his own subliminal messages. The guidelines of leftist journalism, which are based upon its racial orthodoxy, are so ingrained that people probably write that way out of habit - even if they are far from being leftists themselves.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Our Asian pet

Our Asian pet is a hard worker indeed,

a diminutive  granny of the Buddhist creed.

Friendly to all and a really good cook,

her ethics are pure and she works by the book.

But for lifting and high places she's not worth a dime,

these things are a challenge at four foot nine.

What for other employees is a ten minute task,

for her half an hour is considered fast.

But she's charming and fills an important station,

for she's female and most importantly Asian.

Her lack of  ability and muscle formation,

are made up for by race and gender consideration.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Any organization that helps white, or Jewish, identity serves a valuable function.  In this sense, even Bnai Brith is valuable - at least for me;  I would not be alive if not for Bnai Brith since my own parents met through this organization.  No doubt, many white couples have met, and had children, through various neo-Nazi groups as well and this helps our demographics.

Then there is J.T.F. (Jewish Task Force).  Among its ranks are many Jewish bigots for whom hating Arabs (Muslim Arabs) is as important to their identity as promoting Judaism.  Judaism teaches Jews to love their brethren but, for many at J.T.F., this only applies if the subject hates Arabs - a love based on hate.  What a concept!  If all Arabs would suddenly disappear, one wonders if J.T.F. would also disappear.  At least they promote Jewish consciousness.  Or do they?  Sometimes it is difficult to gauge the benefit of raising Jewish awareness versus the damage of driving away good Jews and giving ammunition to those who hate us.  "Useful idiots" might be a good way to describe many of them.  "Neocons", with all its negative baggage, is another good description.  When a bomb goes off somewhere in the Muslim world, and kills dozens of women and children, people at J.T.F. consider it good news.  In their eyes, the more killed and maimed the better.  This is not the Judaism I know.  Their "Judaism" comes across as some sort of mutated evil brother, grotesquely deformed and mentally deranged.

The body of Jewish religious literature is vast enough that it can support a great diversity of outlooks and opinions.  All one needs to do is pick and choose, just as many Christian denominations pick and choose from the Bible, ignoring what is inconvenient for them.  I'm pretty sure all organized religions do this.  Good people pick and choose based on their healthy conscience.  Not-so-good people pick and choose based on their need to feel superior or their greed or lust.

When I lived in Israel, I happened to be at the funeral of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane (purely by chance).  At one point, people began to chant "Death to the Arabs".  As everybody around me was chanting, I shouted at them to stop.  I told them this is wrong.  Several people near me actually stopped chanting and admitted I was right.  I had broken the spell of the mob mentality.  On another occasion, I had done the unthinkable by giving my seat, on a bus, to an elderly Arab.   Some of the Jews on that bus glared at me as if I'd some something wrong.  I just smiled inwardly because I'd proven to myself that even strong mores could not hold me back from doing the right thing even in public.  Why am I telling you all this?  Because at the time, I was just a yeshiva student.  I was not a racialist nor was I libertarian - and yet the things I had learned were enough to bring about this sort of attitude.  I knew it was likely that the old Arab I gave my seat to hated me for being a Jew - but that would be his problem, not mine.  If that were the case, then my kindness toward him might have been an assault on his mind.  It might have caused doubts and confusion, damaging his clear-cut world view where Jews = evil and Arabs = good.  In either case, I had nothing to lose; I was just as comfortable standing.  Most J.T.F. people would have chanted "death to the Arabs" along with the others.  They would have let the old Arab stand in the bus.  Would either action be something they could brag about years later?  I must end this with the disclaimer that not all J.T.F. people fit the mold I described above.  Enough do that I felt it was important to write what I did.  As for the rest, I am not referring to you.

Protecting children. A moral dilemma

Government agencies that are charged with protecting children have earned a bad reputation.  If power corrupts, then power over the fate of children must be the most terrible kind of power.  When it comes to a government agency such as Child Protective Services, strong feelings seems to be the norm; a multitude of horror stories have sullied their reputation even among many leftists:
CPS continues to destroy families and children precisely because well-meaning "get tough" people give them a nod of approval, tax-money and their confidence. Then they turn away with a feeling of achievement and of relief at handing over a messy problem to "the authorities." They don't have to confront the nightmare bureaucracy they've facilitated. If the nightmare is glimpsed through newspaper accounts of abused children, dead children or kids who are lost in the system, then the messenger is criticized as alarmist or the account is dismissed as an aberration.

One of the characteristics of government is that it demands a monopoly on the use of force.  It also frequently eliminates any competition from services it chooses to provide, either through specific laws or by making competition unviable.  Competition leads to improved services while a monopoly leads to inferior services.  Therefore,  if ever there was a service where competition should be encouraged, it's the protection of children.  To leave the welfare of our children in the hands of a government monopoly is criminal.

I recently became involved in a situation where a mother was found to be endangering her children through abuse and neglect.  My opinion was sought regarding what course of action to take.  To do nothing would clearly be wrong.  To seek counseling was not a viable option, since this had already been tried and had failed.  To immediately get CPS involved also seemed like a bad idea.  Our conclusion was that the best thing to do would be to get a private organization involved and let them find a solution. It would still be necessary to involve CPS because only their actions would have teeth.  We would then hope that CPS accepts the solution of the private organization.  It is indeed sad when we must seek the aid of government agencies, thus encouraging their reign of terror.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Explorations and adventures...

... in Equatorial Africa.  I've come upon a travel book, published in 1861 by Paul B. Du Chaillu.  This delightfully illustrated volume describes his travels in the interior of Africa, its fauna and native peoples.  I believe there is much to glean from this old book just from a historical perspective - so let this be the beginning of a series based upon it.  Each post will include an interesting quote from the book (one that might enlighten us in some way) and an illustration.

This first excerpt introduces us to the author and to the natives of the West coast of Africa.  It also explains why we might treat tales of the horrors of the interior parts of Africa with a certain amount of skepticism (pg. 3):
When I returned now, after an absence of some years, my arrival was hailed with joy by my former acquaintances among the blacks, who thought that I had come back to trade.  The negroes of the West Coast are the most eager and the shrewdest traders I have ever met; and they were overjoyed at the prospect of dealing with, and perhaps cheating, an old friend like myself.  Their disappointment was great, therefore, when I was obliged to inform them that I had come with no goods to sell, but with the purpose to explore the country, of which I had heard so many wonderful stories from them, and to hunt wild birds and beasts.

At first they believed I was joking.  When they saw landed from the vessel which brought me no "trade", but only an outfit of all things necessary for a hunter's life in the African wilds, they began perforce to believe in my stated purpose.  Then their amazement and perplexity knew no bounds.

Some thought I was out of my senses, and pitied my father, whom they all knew, for being troubled with such a good-for-nothing son.

Some thought I had ulterior objects, and were alarmed lest I should secretly try to wrest the trade of the interior out of their hands.

Those Mpongwes, or Coast tribes, hold in their hands, as will be explained farther on, the trade with the back country of the Gaboon River; and the slightest suspicion that I was about to interfere with this profitable monopoly sufficed to create great terror in their trade-loving souls.  They surrounded me, each with his tale of the horrors and dangers of a voyage "up the country," asserting that I should be eaten up by cannibals, drowned in rivers, devoured by tigers and crocodiles, crushed by elephants, upset by hippopatami, or waylaid and torn to pieces by the gorilla.

But when I convinced them that I had no designs upon their trade, and that my purposed travels and hunts would not affect their interests, all but a few stedfast old friends left me to my fate.

This is not to say there were no dangers or that the natives were all of the "noble" sort.  Though he heaps praise upon the native children within the mission where he stayed on the coast, the adults are "dull, lazy, and distrustful.  They adhere to their vile superstitions, and are with difficulty influenced..."  Of course, when he says "influenced", what he probably means is "influenced to convert to Christianity".

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The reserrection of the American "White People"

Has the national identity of American

The reinvention of white people

Have American whites lost their nationhood and then had it resurrected - by leftists?  It would not be the first time a nation unknowingly transformed from a natural, organic nation into one whose existence is somewhat artificial and, therefore, whose very nature has changed.  Rather like a science fiction tale of a human falling asleep as flesh and blood and waking up as an android.

No doubt some native American tribes, for whom membership used to require no paperwork and whose self-identity was as natural and flowing as the rivers around them now find themselves struggling to maintain a meaningful existence in a different world.  They must keep computer files for members and follow practices previously unheard of just to maintain some semblance of continuity for their nation.

At a time when the United States was over 90% white, one could still accurately say that, by and large, America was a nation founded by whites and composed of whites.  Back then, a white American's nationality could be defined by his U.S. citizenship.  He could convincingly equate the two in most cases.  Of course this is not so anymore.  These days, "American" can mean anything and (as I've stated before) therefore it means nothing.

Thanks to leftist policies, which are specifically designed to marginalize and displace whites, America no longer exists as a nation.  It has been reduced to nothing more than  a specific territory ruled by an elite political class.  Former white "Americans" have either lost any true sense of nationhood (their former patriotism having become a hollow fantasy) or else they have embraced their white heritage as their nation.  The former have no nation.  The latter now belong to a new nation - created indirectly by leftists.

Proud white Americans, being members of a new nation, may  find themselves confused.  On the one hand, they feel deeply rooted in their historical past.  On the other hand, that past - though lived by their genetic forebears - was the past of different nations.  In the meantime, the rules have changed.  Things that used to be assumed must now be argued.  Things that used to be safe must now be defended.  Things that used to be sacred are now openly questioned.  Things that used to be profane are now considered sacred.  When faced with disruptions such as these, a people will typically take measures to preserve the culture they have inherited from their former nations.  Unfortunately, those measures sometimes prove themselves to be as disruptive as the challenges that provoked them.

These are dangerous times for white peoples wherever they are.  They are, of course, dangerous because of the widespread violence, hate propaganda and genocidal government policies directed against us - but they are also dangerous because of the ways we sometimes find ourselves reacting to such persecution.  Unable to maintain the innocence of yesteryear, some of us may slide into mentalities that are not helpful.  During his speech, at the most recent Amren conference, Sam Dickson urged caution lest we become like the caricatures our enemies use to portray us.  Let us take his advice to heart.  With one hand, let us defend our cultures, genetic legacies, language etc. but let the other hand steady us so that we remain normal, natural people.  We cannot control the events that brought about our status as new nations - but we can control the ways we adapt to it.  We can nurture our new nations in such a way that the artificiality of it takes on the qualities of a seamless transition still rooted in our past but well suited to forge ahead on our own terms.