Friday, April 2, 2010

An argument against democracy

By now I'm sure most of you have viewed Hank Johnson's infamous comments where he displays his stupefying stupidity for millions to behold.  If the reaction at my workplace is any indication, millions of jaws are dropping, accompanied by an incredulous "wow" all across America, as the horrifying realization set in that people like Johnson are setting the course of our nation and voting on matters of life and death.

People are asking, "how is it possible that individuals like Johnson can make it to Congress?"  Johnson's website claims the comment was not to be taken literally:
"The subtle humor of this obviously metaphorical reference to a ship capsizing illustrated my concern about the impact of the planned military buildup on this small tropical island."...

Even if we believe the above (which I do not), Johnson does not come across as being very bright - the word "narrow" apparently not being part of his vocabulary.  Also, his attempt to sound sophisticated by bringing up "environmental concerns" is pathetic.

What are Johnson's political priorities?  It seems that helping blacks get a bigger piece of the pie is high on the list (from his website):
The Internal Revenue Service is seeking an Equal Employment Specialist in Atlanta. The specialist would develop and support Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment, Affirmative Employment, Special Emphasis Programs, Diversity, Persons with Disabilities, and Prevention of Sexual Harassment. Specialists also administer the EEO Complaints Program, and provide service, guidance and training to employees and to managers on all EEO process matters. For more information or to apply

To kick off Black History Month, Congressman congratulates U.S. Navy for naming a supply ship after civil rights leader:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Hank Johnson’s (D-GA) H. Res. 1022, a resolution honoring the life and achievements of civil rights hero Medgar W. Evers (1925-1963), passed the House today 426 to 0.

No doubt his fixation on blacks has something to do with the fact that his district is about 54% black.  This is what happens in a democracy; each special interest votes to grant itself as large a portion of government loot as possible.  While leftists are quick to claim that blacks cannot get past their race due to white racism, it should be obvious that it is leftists who cause blacks to place their race above all else and to, therefore, vote as a block.  It is leftists who celebrate black history month, agitate for special "African-American studies" programs, support specifically black T.V. programming, black oriented movies and books, postage stamps that commemorate black history, holidays that enshrine famous blacks (we now have none that enshrine famous whites - except the controversial Columbus day), special school assemblies for "people of color", "a black face in every crowd" laws, pro-black discrimination in hiring, special government health programs directed specifically at blacks etc. etc.  If I were black, I might be crying out, "enough of this already!  Can't you just see me as a fellow human being?"

Indeed, the left has created a Frankenstein Monster.  An embedded ethnicity that is hyper-conscious of race, ever more sensitive and ever more demanding.  At this point it is difficult to know how things might have been if not for the left's obsession with the black race.  Had the left not continuously pounded it into the black psyche that blackness is the most important aspect of their being, might we then be able to trust a black jury with a white defendant?  How much less would be black crime?  How many fewer "discrimination" cases would be clogging court dockets?  How many billions of dollars less wasted?  Alas, it is impossible to know.  I suspect that, left with the naked genetic racial disparities, there would still be problems with black crime, substance abuse, STD's and so on but not to the extent we have today.

How many blacks are offended by nooses because their grandfather was lynched?  How many consider "boy" to be a fighting word because they remember being called that in the old South and have bitter memories of it?  It seems to me that what we have here is more implanted memories than any sort of post traumatic stress syndrome - and I'm not denying that there is legitimate history, only that the overemphasis of that history (and distortion in many cases) has brought more harm than any natural recollection of it ever could.

I think that sometimes there is a fine line between teaching history so that certain events will not occur again and teaching it in such a way that generations of bitter, hypersensitive haters grow up wanting to "get even".

In any case, if democracy ever did have a chance of working on such a large scale, the leftist racialist agenda has destroyed it.  They have created warring factions where a single national identity could have been.  By singling out "people of color" for favor and inflated ethnic pride, leftists can now take responsibility for necessitating a nationalism of those who are not "people of color".  They have ensured that democracy cannot succeed and made the ethnic state even more of an imperative.

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