Monday, March 1, 2010

The "Jewish problem" and white nationalists

In case you haven't already noticed, I'm Jewish.  But this does not blind me to the fact that there seem to be Jews lurking behind very many leftist movements and anti-white organizations.  How does a decent, law-abiding black feel when a high profile criminal turns out to be black?   It probably makes him sick to his stomach because, at some level, it makes him feel guilty by association.  Well I'm the same way when I discover Jewish names, symbols and organizations associated with causes that I hate.

Is there a vast Jewish conspiracy to exterminate white people or to take over the world?  If there is, somehow I did not get the memo.   Neither did Professor Michael Levin or Rabbi Mayer Schiller.  Books have been written on why Jews are particularly susceptible to leftist brainwashing and it is not the aim of this post to explore this.

I have had email exchanges with individuals, associated with the white nationalist movement, who refuse to believe that my motives are pure.  They'll scrutinize every word of my comments on Amren in order to find "evidence" that I'm part of some "Jewish supremacist" movement.  They'd have just as much luck finding such "evidence" among random posts by gentiles because I do not believe in Jewish supremacy.  Just as a white person should care about his own people, put them first, advocate for them and identify with them so too should a Jew relate to his own people.  Just as such a white person need not be a "white supremacist" so too the Jew need not be a "Jewish supremacist".  Of course, in my opinion, many Jews are also white so the same person can identify as Jewish and as white.

That there are Jews who sympathize with white nationalists should be a source of comfort.  Yet we find many white nationalists rejecting such sympathy.  I cannot delve into their minds but one of two things might be going on here.  Either they are so paranoid and suspicious that they truly believe people like me are spies or they find us upsetting because we spoil the well-ordered world they've constructed in their heads where all Jews must be evil.

Sometimes I visit white nationalist forums and I'll find accusations leveled at "The Jews".   A Jew of thinner skin might take personal offense at such words but it seems to me that, if it's alright to speak of "white people" or "black people" or "Hispanics" in general terms (fully understanding that not all members of those groups adhere to the generality), then the same should be alright regarding Jews.  So I'll give such people the benefit of a doubt and assume they know not all Jews are out to get them.

Many, if not most, white nationalists consider Jews to be non-white.  By what magic a religious conversion can change a person's race I do not know.  It is a fact that many Jews are descended from white converts and so they are clearly white.  But it shouldn't matter; Jews should consider themselves Jews and only marry other Jews anyway.  As for me, it makes no difference to me whether white nationalists consider me white or not.  Thankfully, I have my own identity that I'm perfectly content with.  One way or the other, this should not affect my sympathy toward white people.  Advocating for whites is a worthy cause no matter what race or ethnicity you happen to be.


  1. Jewamongyou, I've always enjoyed your thoughtful comments at, so all the best w/your blog.

    I suppose that since Jews have always been a minority everywhere but Israel it lead them to support the Left's platform of "minority rights". I just can't figure why so many of them have been anticapitalist considering how they've prospered under the free market.

    And BTW the excellent Prof. you referenced is Michael Levin, not Levine.

  2. That's as good a theory as any and it's always been my assumption that this is an underlying reason. "Levin" - fixed and thanks!

  3. For the history of anti-Semitism in Christian Europe, I recommend Joel Carmichael's "The Demonization of the Jews."

    The two other comments here are interesting, especially the one that guesses at why so many Jews are leftists. What alarms me as I read posts on websites like Amren is the overwhelming evidence of the lack of historical knowledge of the white race, Europe, Christianity, etc., by the very people who would advocate for white race realism, survival, etc. What many white advocates seem to have instead are their own pet myths. Philosophically speaking, this is not productive and will not contribute toward a white "renaissance" or even an expansion of white realism. Rather, it will guarantee that the tendancy toward infighting that made European history a history of the world's longest ongoing civil war possible.

  4. Never having posted here before, my comment was rejected as duplicate. Won't waste any more time here.

  5. And yet your comment was published. I'm not sure why you got that message.

  6. I'm a Jew who also reads AmRen regularly; I simply don't post. I do enjoy your posts along with many others, especially John PM. Anyway, I have no idea why so many Jews are the way they are; I have siblings and we have totally different political views, it's weird...

  7. Same thing with my family. It's like we speak totally different languages.

  8. [...] a lot of his site to Jewry, as apparently he is a religious Jew. He has an interesting take on the Jewish Question, including harsh criticism and maybe opposition to Zionism, avoidance of the pogrom and prosecution [...]

  9. WhiteguythatisafraidofjewsMarch 5, 2010 at 10:57 AM

    Jews are not White. But further to the point, the reason why so many people act as they do about jews is because they own the Fed, Central Banks, Media, Hollywood, Government and education system.

    .....Seriously, do I need to say anymore?

  10. As a nationalist (white), the bulk of suspicions aimed at Jews are mainly (in my opinion) due to the monopolisation of various sectors such as finance and media. We cant trust that the media will report fairly on the Gaza strip, we can't trust that the financial sector of the goverment isn't going to send billions in aid to a country who's state sponsored religion calls for "Jew's to rule the world with an iron fist" (not to mention harsher bouts of Talmudic hatred). We can't trust that Jewish backed pro-immigration groups aren't going to displace the white majority with teeming masses of third-worlders, we can't trust the Republicans or Democrats will not accept millions from International Jewish banking firms and other such companies like Goldman Sachs or Oppenheimer. If we can't trust all of that, then it's surely not unreasonable for white nationalists to generally distrust all Jews (not that it's fair to lump everyone in together like that, but you get my point right?). But the 1st and foremost problem I think is the character assisination the poeple endure for pointing out things such as these, for example go to and listen to what this man says and I'm sure you'll find that he is no anti-semite, but thanks to consistant defamation by the media anti-semite is the 1st word to come to someone's mouth regarding Dr Duke. Accusations of anti semitism have even been directed at JEWISH individuals who speak out against Jewish extremism such as Prof Norman Finklestein, Walt and Mersheimer, and Dr Hajo Meyer (a Holocaust survivor). So it stands to reason that if nobody can dare queston the almighty Jew then of course people are going to be naturally suspicious of their actions and motives. I feel for Jews who don't buy into all this Jewish supremacism but can see how a powerful Jewish cabal is either going to crush freedom and liberty in the west (partiularly free-speech) and/or generate another massive backlash against the Jewish community. I hope that more moderate Jews will stand up and voice their opossition to such extremism as all people should oppose all extremism regardless of race/religion etc...

  11. Phil, excellent response. I have heard jews admit that many jews are anti-white and support anti-white organisations and causes, but I've never heard a jew admit that jews wield undue influence for their numbers in finance, media and government in the US and other gentile countries. It's as if they have this feeling of entitlement when it comes to such things, like we owe it to them to let them have such power over our affairs and we're bad people if we suggest that their influence should be reduced to something that's more proportionate to the percentage of the total population jews make up. I do know that there are good jews out there who aren't against us but they need to understand we have good reasons for being distrustful and suspicious of jews as long as they hold such power.

  12. I appreciate this blog. As a white nationalist, i fully accept jews who show beyond a shadow of a doubt that they support the western imperative for self-preservation. The reason why this is a problematic issue is because when you say "jews should be jews and put jews first" - this is exactly what they do, resulting in disastrous consequences for the greater white society in which they live - through the various movements and intellectual trends they support, which in no small part have contributed to the destruction of our nation. The push for "diversity" was spearheaded by jewish groups because they know they are safer in a mixed society, not to mention they blend in better and through their cohesive tribalist identity they dominate. the very identity of jewry has defined itself as being at odds with the west, so jews in my opinion who reject their own tradition/culture are no longer jews, except in biology - and that is a messy topic. when you find rightist jews often they have alterior motive, such as being against immigration because they want to limit muslims from entering the nation, not because they care about the well-being of a white demographic. there are many true-hearted anti-zionists such as norman finkelstein, israel shamir, etc. - and occasionally when i find a jew who identifies himself as "white" and refuses to belong to an alien cult operating within white nations, and he/she proves this by openly repudatiating judaism and working against them - there is no reason not to accept their support.

  13. Hi. Like you, I've been posting on AmRen for some time. Unlike you, however, I use the default-moniker "Anonymous" because some of the folks at AmRen have taken to censoring my thoughtful and always polite postings (I committed the unforgivable sin of criticizing Northern Europeans and esp. Nordicists).

    Like you, I'm a member of an "undesirable" ethnic group (I'm Sicilian). Like you, I don't care what others think of me and my people. I know what I am. Unlike a lot of White Nationalists, I am not antisemitic (though I am not philosemitic, either).

    I recognize that Jews (Ashkenazim, to be exact) as an ethnic group have made enormous contributions to this thing we call "Western Civilization". Example: Albert Einstein and the theory of relativity.

    At the same time, however, I also recognize much harm has come from them as well. Example: Jewish groups have openly bragged of their contributions to "civil rights" legislation and "immigration reform".

    I do not subscribe to the bulk of conspiracy theories out there for the simple fact when the harsh light of logic and critical analysis are shined upon them, they usually wither away to silliness.

    Your blog looks interesting. It's now in my favorites. Ciao!

  14. Thank you Dana and Mighty! Hopefully I'll soon get over this cold (or whatever it is) and start writing meaningful posts again.

  15. hi there, jewamongyou, its really neat that you've started a blog. i've wanted to meet you for awhile, saw you at the 2008 Amren conference, when I was first getting interested in these ideas, but didn't say hello. for 2010, even though i live in metro area, jared and stephen evidently didn't know me well enough to invite me to the semi-private conference that actually went forward, even though I had been in touch with them by email the whole week and had said I would go to the event at the last hotel that cancelled.

    I think the "Who Is A White" question remains vitally important. "Whites" don't know, in contrast to Jews, Germans, Poles, Japanese, Koreans, each of whom know who they are. And the upshot is that all sorts of group traditionally considered to be "caucasian," are in dispute when it comes to regarding themselves as "white" or not.

    My revolutionary suggestion: let people decide whether or not they're white. This is problematic, I know, but I think its the only workable solution until there is some means of making a sharper definition that will be widely recognized.

    You say that you have your identity that you're perfectly comfortable with. Good for you. Is this just a Jewish identity, or do you have another one? In particular, do YOU consider yourself to be white? Or are you just a sympathetic outsider among whites? I don't care what others think, what do you think?

  16. Well, you probably already guessed that you would not get a simple "yes" or "no" answer to that one. In short, I believe I'm mixed Mideastern and white. Unlike many white nationalists, I do not believe in the "one drop" rule for being other than white. So, even though many Jews have some Mideastern in them, it's probably so little that I would consider them white. As for my family, I think it's a bit more than "a little" so this would make me a mongrel. Until somebody comes up with a scientific method for determining who's "white", it will remain a guessing game for many of us.

  17. "I recognize that Jews (Ashkenazim, to be exact) as an ethnic group have made enormous contributions to this thing we call “Western Civilization”. Example: Albert Einstein and the theory of relativity."
